CPHQ™ Focus Study and Review Full Package - Recorded Videos


CPHQ™ Focus Study and Review - Examination Revision Cases

This Review and Study Course is designed for all healthcare workers who are seeking for passing the CPHQ certification exam (Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality) accredited by NAHQ (National Association for Health care Quality).

This Study and Review Course has a mixed medium of instruction in both English and Arabic languages.

The Review Study contains but not limited to:
A. 12 online live interactive sessions for revision lectures. (One Final Review Lecture on the main topics and 21 question bank discussions) with 27 recorded videos on your dashboard.
B. 24 site exams with updated exam like questions like the real exam with time limited.

  • Training on the huge question bank with recorded sessions and real site exams.
  • Assess your preparedness for the real CPHQ EXAM with real exam like quizzes.
  • Assess the ability to recall or remember specific information.
  • Assess the ability to apply the knowledge in specific situation.
  • Assess the ability to analyse the situation and choose the best action or decision to be taken.


  • After registration on the course you can find the Join Link of the WhatsApp group inside the course for live sessions..All recorded sessions are uploaded already for all course contents.
  • All quizzes and exams has the ability for retaking it many times during your registration period.
  • Registration period is valid for 6 months from your first registration.
  • NO Completion Certificate for cases reviews only.
  • NO Reactivation after the end of 6 months.


Quality starts with learning

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